How Artists Get Famous

Game Introduction

Double click the flag and stay out of full screen for the best results! Also, press the favorite button to reduce lag. ================================================== A MESSAGE TO ADVERTISERS: NOBODY WATCHES ADVERTISEMENTS. YOU WILL GET NO FAME FROM POSTING YOUR PROJECTS ON THIS VIDEO. ================================================== Hello everybody! It's been awhile since I've made a project and I apologize for that. I've been in sort of a motivation drought and I couldn't really make anything. More projects will be on the way! And no, this project wasn't actually the big one I was talking about. You'll see.... DISCLAIMER: This project was not intended to offend modern or abstract art fans. I remember one time I toured to the Art Institute of Chicago and I saw a blank canvas put up on display in the modern art exhibit. I was like, are you serious?! If an artist recieves millions for their 'art', why can't a kindergartener? That's just my opinion on it. Credits~ -@Flazoid for one of the background landscapes -Salvador Dali and his painting Persistence of Memory -The song The Agent by Chris Loxham -@ToadfanSchool -@mres -@SirBffq -Nintendo for Kass' accordion song from Zelda: Breath of the Wild -@Fulldroid for the intense music -@Jarraboo -@ceebee -@DrDabTv (me) -@JetpackEntertainment (also me) -@FUZZIE-WEASEL -@WazzoTV -@Kairos_13 This is my 333rd project!

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