The Ninja 5 Hacked!

Game Introduction

PLEASE note the following: - This is not stealing, I am the creator of the original game (link in instructions). Besides, this version has many changes. - This is purely for fun and amusement, to laugh at the sheer overpowered-ness of The Ninja with his improved weapons and abilities. This is not a serious project by any means. - The reason I shared this on my main account is because I consider it a main project, plain and simple. My @Will_Wam account is for the projects that the most people want to see, and this actually falls into that category (Based on results from previous hacked versions of games that I've made). Thank you for understanding, and enjoy! How to remix your own project: - Log into a different account - Go inside the project you want to remix - Open another Scratch tab, and log out of it, then log into your main account (the one with the project you're remixing) - Switch back to the first tab and click the "remix" button That's it! The reason it works is because you are technically logged into your main account when you press remix, so that's where it saves the remix to. Credit to Harry Potter, Minecraft, and Naruto. :P

How To Play

Welcome to the hacked version of The Ninja 5! Original Project: Instructions: Arrow Keys/WASD to move, Z/M to switch weapons, X/N to throw explosives. So, what's new in this HACKED verison? >:D - You can swim in poison - Shurikens bounce off walls - Katana lets you fly - You can grapple anywhere - Your Bow is fully automatic with infinite ammo - Piranhas and enemy shurikens are scared of you - In Scrolling level 1, you have a pickaxe that cuts ground - In Scrolling level 2, you play as Harry Potter with magic wand - Explosives are huge - Other minor changes




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