The Ninja 5 insanely Hacked!
Game Introduction
Will_Wam favorited this o_O @Will_Wam did most of the programming. i just made the weapons even more op :-P do u play minecraft? yeah, i give credit to microsoft, mojang, some mod programmers and of course @Will_Wam music by naruto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to remix!
How To Play
Welcome to the insanely hacked version of The Ninja 5! The Ninja 5: Instructions: Arrow Keys/WASD to move, Z/M to switch weapons, X/N to throw explosives. So, what's new in this HACKED verison? >:D - You can swim in poison - Shurikens bounce off walls - Doubled Diamond Sword lets you fly - Sword can destroy targets - You can grapple anywhere - Your Bow is fully automatic with infinite ammo - Piranhas and enemy shurikens are scared of you - In Scrolling level 1, you have a pickaxe that cuts ground - In Scrolling level 2, you play as Harry Potter with magic wand - Explosives are huge - Minecraft - Other minor changes
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7.2k favorites