
Game Introduction

I did not make all of the "videos" _______ -RECENT UPDATES- -2018.4.31- Shared -2018.6.9- Added views, profile & subscribing -2018.6.10- Added wyatt123475's video -2018.9.13- Added @Backwardpaw @KAIstudio @TheluckyNoobiui @Goose1238 and improved views -2018.9.14- Added @araial10 @drumbrionschool and @cadypady -2018.9.15- Added @Bexrix @FAIRYTALEFAN002 and @ChantillyWeGo and "cat gif" -2018.9.16- Got curated, Added @TheSportyScratcher @Queexniie @Thunder_Puppy @JMCGames30 @LogicQ_Dev @kittylizard123 and "Starry night" and "Star wars" -2018.9.18- Added @shen_star @tijnhuisman22 @CashMoney165615 -2018.9.19- Added @coolguy1019 -2018.1.10- Added @Scratch_user_4 -2018.10.29- Added the awesome @DerpAnimation and "Cartoon vs Reality" -2018.11.4- Added @DjJakeInDaHouse -2018.11.27- Added @CoderChimp323 and "Symmetrical chimpanzee Animation" ________Milestones_______________ -2018.11.5- 3,900 views -2018.11.7- 4,000 views -2018.12.5- 5,000 views -2019.3.25- 7,865 views! -2019.6.- 9,544 at 5968~

How To Play

Go to: and sub to me uwu Or go to my new account @ScaIes! Sorry.. 3.0 ruined like ALL of it and i'm too busy to fix it :T MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL MOVED TO @ScaIes YALL ___________________________________________ Hello, welcome to Scratch YouTube! A follow would be appreciated. ^-^ I just realized there is a limit to cloud variables, that sucks. I would add a speed draw, but then it would take 4ever to load! - - - STUFF ye need TO KNOW: ● Kinda taking a break from this time consuming project but... ● You can post your own videos here: ● I recommend full screen (for good view) ● I also recommend DOUBLE click flag (for syncing it up) I don't want any random bugs flying in ● If you follow me, you can create an advertisement!!! - follow me - remix this and design your ad in the advertisement box (the very first sprite) - make sure it's appropriate! ● FAVE and LOVE! :D How to control: * Scroll with arrow keys, space or two fingers on touch pad * Click the video you wanna watch * When playing a video, you can click the arrow at the bottom of the video to see info. or to exit, you can click the YouTube logo at the top left. * If you go to profile, to go back, you click the YouTube logo, it always leads to home (BTW, tell me any important YouTube features that I'm missing) ADDING: - unsubscribing - more profiles (sometime...) - more custom header pics (sooner or later) - improved subscribing (maybe) GLITCHES: - sometimes the subscribe button hides our doesn't hide IF THAT HAPPENS - The customize button goes on top of the upload button - stormtrooper music wont stop aaahhhh -------------------------------------------------------------------------




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

8.8k favorites