Music Navigation Library
Game Introduction
~Libraries don't load instantly. It might take awhile~ ~Sorting the lists should NOT take long anymore!!~ My music is here so that you can use it in your projects! If you would like to do this, there are three simple rules: 1. Let me know (or ask, but I will say yes) 2. Give credit 3. Feel free to send me a link to your project when done! I'd love to check it out :) You can ask me pretty much anything you like about my music, some things I'll be able to do for you and some I won't, but you can always ask! ^.^ I'm not currently taking music requests though (yet, again, I won't punish you for asking). All art and scripting is mine. All music is made by me using Finale. ${ME}=="@StarflowerVII" Thanks to @kkidslogin for getting me started on this again after two years of not working on it :) seriously thanks
How To Play
WELCOME TO THE MUSIC NAVIGATION LIBRARY I'm just gonna throw this out there... this might not have been a great idea. It's a big huge clunky project. That being said: This is the Scratch Capstone of @StarflowerVII. Enjoy. So, given that I have a LOT of music that people might like to use for projects and animations, I figured I'd make it a little easier for you guys to find everything. Thus, the MUSIC NAVIGATION LIBRARY. The purpose of the library is to make it easier to find the music you're looking for (besides, um, loading time. Yeah sorry about that guys). This project should: --Provide a single project with all of my music --Sort pieces using different criteria Current sorting options: >>"Browse/Random" - random order each time the flag is clicked >>Date Created (earliest to latest) >>Length >>Title (aka alphabetically, ignoring "The") STYLES: >> Film Score to Atmospheric >> Orchestral to Pop (note: all my stuff is more orchestral than pop haha) MOODS: >> Energy/Tempo (increasing) >> Peaceful to Dramatic >> Happy to Dark (yeah, I did happy to dark, sad is probably in the middle lol) SEARCHING TIPS: 1. If you want to look at a sort criteria in reverse, just click the left arrow instead of the right! ;) 2. "Date Created" roughly correlates with increasing quality. 3. Subjective sorts (styles and moods) won't be 100% accurate, but you can help me improve them! If there's a sort that you want me to add, let me know! This is a project that I care a lot about, so I'll probably update it as much as possible! Feel free to suggest any improvements, from sorting criteria to scripting style/efficiency and UI/display! If you want me to change the order of something style- or mood-sorted, feel free to let me know :) No, no I don't think I can pause the music. I wish I could, but I don't think I can. MODLOG: Creation : um, 50+ broadcast messages existed A few days later : I got smarter and removed them, haha. Still, my list-sorting algorithms took a while to complete 6/22/2020 : sorting speed improved (like, actually totally fixed) because I found the "run without screen refresh" option in custom blocks! ^.^ Thanks @qucchia for being the person I saw mention that in one of their projects 7/1/2020: Moods and Styles sorting released. I want to rework the way I do transitions. But this would temporarily break the project hahahaaaaa but I want to eventually 7/7/2020: Debugged some Moods and Styles list errors (whoops!) 08/06/2020: sprites now alphabetized so Scratchers can find the music they want to backpack more easily. Music (March to Sea) added. 10/3/2020: autoplay and repeat have now been added! 11/10/2020: Text display bug fixed. Shoutout to @ch260019 for finding it! 12/18/2020: Music (A Dance like Fire) added! Upcoming: transition modifications? If you find bugs, please comment them! 1. Tell me what happened 2. Tell me what song it happened on (if applicable) 3. If you know exactly what clicks produce the bug after clicking start, that's SUPER helpful 4. If you know how to fix, I don't mind being told! :) 5. Yes you may intentionally spam buttons to find bugs if you're that kind of person As a bonus, there's one piece of music in here that isn't in any of my other shared projects :> Some of my personal favorites: Shadows Marketplace Jasper Sun Elemental Power Heroica Corridors Spectrum
Game Information
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