zero fighter 4

Game Introduction

We would like to thank everyone who still continues to play the game from about 10 years ago. I've noticed that sometimes this game can be filled with tons of question marks. Please hit the refresh button on your browser, it may be fixed. This game's data was corrupted when Scratch was updated from 2.0 to 3.0, causing various strange bugs. 人人人人人人人人 ↓↓<New Zero Fighter!!>↓↓ VVVVVVVV There are fighter planes more than 100kinds in this game! scratch ver 2.0においての、ゼロファイターシリーズの完成版です。

How To Play

←&→ key : turn aircraft(旋回) x&z key : engine control(エンジン出力変更) c key :small gun(小型機銃) v key : big gun(大型機銃) f key : flap(フラップ) p key : pause(一時停止) space key :all canon & gun(全ての機関砲と機銃)




Game Information

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Collection Count

985 favorites