
Game Introduction

I guess this will become a game, with so many requests! It'll be out in hopefully a few months... This was inspired by @Mikeono102's project "Running Legs" And @-TheDoctor-'s project "Audiraptor' The design of the Mech was based off of several designs from the internet, as well as illustrations form the book series Leviathan. Every part was designed in vector and animated by me. The backgrounds were designed with less tones so that the machinery blends well with the environment.

How To Play

*This is not a game* This is mech, A simulation of military walker designed and coded by me. Press flag and wait. After the logo fades, press the start button. Click to fire the main cannon, and click the different icons to change the landscape. The snowflake icon sets the backdrop to tundra, and the grass icon sets it to a hilly landscape.




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