Super Will_Wam Smash
Game Introduction
Sorry if you don't have someone else to play with, but you could play against anyone! A friend, sibling, cousin, or even parent! :) Please give this project a love it if you enjoyed it, and maybe even follow me, @Will_Wam, thanks! So, what characters and stages are your favorite? I like Power Cube and Ninja and my favorite stage is "The Ninja". This project was first shared on June 24th.
How To Play
This is a 2 PLAYER fighting platformer game that includes 6 different characters that are all from different scratch games of mine! If you don't know who one of the characters is, why not go play the original game that they came from? :D At the main menu, press "About" before playing to learn how to play! Enjoy!! Also, it's very likely that there are many glitches in this game, so please let me know about any you find! :)
Game Information
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2.7k favorites