Heavy Rain

Game Introduction

IMPORTANT: Press space to view the full process behind the artwork! A lot of you seemed interested in how the full drawing was constructed, so I added twenty or so slides on the production. :) Thank you so much to @WaterGlider02 for the curation! Hello there wonderful traveler! Glad to have you stumble upon my art project! As my first serious project on Scratch, I wanted to integrate together an animated experience through mouse interaction, dynamic rain, and impactful music. I recently finished this art piece using Photoshop CS5, and I thought that it would work seamlessly with moving visuals and sound. Overall, the combination of drifting rain with the aesthetics looks great in my opinion! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did when making this project! -Realises If you're interested in the music, it's I'm Yours Forever - Tetris Effect.

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