Game Introduction
~ N O T E S ~ ❂ Pressing the green flag will not remove you creation, press 'R' to remove it. ❂ If you can't change size, you are lagging try pressing the green flag again (your shape will not be lost). ❂ The more points, the more laggy the project. ❂ Dragging points too fast may detach point from mouse especially with lag. ❂ Use to reduce lag (Some features, like saving, do not work). ❂ Please inform me of any bugs and suggest any improvements ❂ Comment your save strings and I might add it to the gallery ~ C R E D I T S ~ ❂ Curated by @TazzyBazzy 15/1/16 ❂ Thumbnail by @infinatious ❂ Ask cancel by @griffpatch ❂ Buttons by ❂ Royalty free music from ❂ All other coding and graphics by me. ~ U P D A T E S ~ ❂ Made it only update when it needs to (major lag improvement) ❂ Greatly reduced scripts ❂ Fixed code for instructions ❂ Made better slider to change size ❂ Made colour slider ❂ Made more aesthetic buttons ❂ Integrated encoder/decoder for cloud saving ❂ Can now turn shape in increments ❂ Now can't drag points when changing settings like size ❂ Can now shrink to shape to centre ❂ Last save now goes to cloud ❂ Made better help screen ❂ Added fps tracker ❂ Removed fps tracker ❂ Fixed turning bug where pen goes to centre ❂ Fixed deformation when points went past edges while turning ❂ Fixed deletion method ❂ Fixed bug making coordinates be out of sync ❂ Added shade ❂ More efficient colour spectrum ❂ Fixed bug when first adding a new line ❂ Made clicking add points ❂ Made better looking help menu ❂ Fixed glitch with 'Help' and 'Hide/Show' buttons ~ T O D O ~ ❂ Remake the cloning engine then update the name to 'Shaper 2' ❂ Make more instructions in top right ❂ Get points to lock on mouse when being dragged ❂ Compression of save string ❂ Think of more things to add ~ F E A T U R E ~ If you got all the way down here, you must like this project quite a bit. You can suggest it to be featured here: ❂ Sorry, you can only do this after 15th March due to previous curation.
How To Play
~ ❂ S H A P E R ❂ ~ ~ I N S T R U C T I O N S ~ For full instructions, press 'Help' in the project. To get rid of the current shape, press 'R'. After this, you can add lines under the mouse by clicking or pressing 'A'. You can drag the corners around to edit the shape. Drag a corner over another to connect them. Press 'N' to create new line/shape somewhere else. If you accidentally add a point, you can move your mouse over it and press 'D'. ~ C O N T R O L S ~ ❂ Click to add a point under the mouse ❂ Press A to add a point under the mouse ❂ Press R to reset canvas ❂ Press D to delete the point under the mouse ❂ Press N to create new line ❂ Press Z or X to change size of shape (experimental) ❂ Click the turn arrows rotate shape ❂ Use arrow keys to move shape ❂ Drag points to edit the shape ❂ Drag a point over another to join those points ❂ Use slider 'Size' to change size of line ❂ Use slider 'Colour' to change color of line ❂ Click the 'Save' button to create a string that can load your shape ❂ Click the 'Load' button to load a saved shape ❂ Press Space to hide lists ❂ Click the 'Gallery' button to show gallery ❂ Click the 'Help' button to show instructions and a list of controls ❂ Click the 'Mute' button to toggle sound ❂ Click the 'Hide' button to toggle hiding controls ❂ Click the cloud shaped button to load last saved shape on the project (could be someone else's)
Game Information
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