
Game Introduction

Creator: Joletole Devolpment: 16 hours Hello everyone, On one of my last projects somebody told me I was very good at using pen. So I decided to use that as a motive to show you guys this project. Please remember to hit the love-it button, it really supports me on making more projects. Also, if you remix this project and nothing has changed, I will flag your project. I wanted the none of the stuff to disappear, because I want to make it look like I am splating paint onto this project. I have also changed a little bit, when I started scratch my goal was to become famous, but now I am aiming more on the quality of the projects, I don't care if my projects get front paged or not, I just want people to enjoy my projects. The music in this project is music I have had in my music file for a while, and I couldn't find the right project to use it on, so I decided to use it on this project. Please also remember to view Astro947's projects, he is really good at programming and is also very funny. Link: Also please remember to visit recycle49's project, he is the one who taught me how to use pen blocks: Here are a couple other channels by me: Also, I have been working with chanmanpartyman, funelephant, and coolhogs to make a mod called Stack Mod. The website is currently being worked on. Now spam up the tags with the words AWESOME! Thanks!

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