Warrior cats Game 2.5

Game Introduction

sWarriors/Characters belong to Erin Hunter Credit to Wildflight, brightpawquest, and Fishey2001 for some of the programming. I referenced their warriors games to help me with some of the earliest coding in the game, where I had no clue what I was doing. XD (This is my first game) Credit to owners of the music and the rain audio Known glitches: -fighting is glitched -Once you become a warrior, you can't hunt -The backdrops glitch when you sleep in the warriors den -you randomly teleport sometimes -kit glitch (Disclaimer: Hacked "loud" block, does not belong to me!) Please report any glitches in the comments. Thx! :) ***UPDATE: Added weather

How To Play

Edit: I'M NOT FINISHING THIS X,D Instead, I'm currently working on remaking it to be a lot less glitchy and more high quality. You can check out the new project here. :D https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/70884744/ 1st instruction: plz stop recoloring. If you remix because you don't believe you can draw or program, (btw, I can't very well myself. I don't know why people would want to remix this XP) you won't improve much by simply recoloring. ;-; Even if you'll give credit, please don't recolor. If you remix, add something, not just change colors/text/names/ect.Thanks. Now enjoy the game ;) READ THIS OR ELSE I WILL FIND YOU: ***SPOILER ALERT*** for those who haven't read the Last Hope. Click the flag twice. Yes, I know this game is glitchy, I'm far from done. Press the "m" key to change music. x3 Move with arrow keys. The apprentice model looks way better because it was the original drawing and I was too lazy and busy to take much time editing the kit's looks. When Squirrelflight (your mother) asks you you're name, just put the first part of it. When she asks you your gender, you would correctly spell boy, girl, male, female, tom, or she-cat. On day 3, make sure you go to the high-ledge at sun-high, or you'll miss your apprentice ceremony. Click on cats to talk to them. To hunt, press C to crouch and be touching the prey, then press space. Press S to stand up. You have hunger and health in this game. To eat, click the fresh-kill pile, which is located under the high-ledge. It costs 10 experience points per piece of fresh-kill, for apprentices and warriors. If it won't let you eat, either your hunger is full, or you don't have enough experience. To deposit fresh-kill for experience, be touching the FK pile, and press D. (as in "drop," or "deposit) To sleep, it has to be night. Click Squirrelflight's nest, if you're a kit. When you become an apprentice, you sleep in the Apprentices' den. Just click the nest that Molepaw tells you to. It gets extremely dark at moonhigh. Oh, and to enter and exit the nursery, click the nursery entrance. To move around camp, touch the pawprints. To leave camp, you must be an apprentice, and it must be day 4. Just click the green thing by the variables "FK Caught, hunger, and health." Once your at the forest, click the Gorse tunnel again to go back. You can now become a warrior by going to the HighLedge on the 7th day, at sunhigh. Sorry if you get the same virtues in one ceremony XD However, after you become a warrior, you currently can't really do much. :T If your health is lower than 5, you can go visit Jayfeather, and he'll heal you, but it costs 10 reputation for apprentices and warriors. During ceremonies, don't touch Bramblestar, or you'll be t.p.ed back to where Dovewing and Ivypool are. XD It's much faster on newer computers. :T Oh yeah! Click the deathberries in the medicine den and admire Jayfeather's majestic expression! 8D Doesn't Ivypool look a little like Grumpy Cat? <.< If you're bored, talk to Graystripe. :P Okay, no I won't really find you. heh. :>




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