
Game Introduction

AWWW YEEEAHAHAH http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/PC100/2746131 Don't view this, click there ==> http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/northmeister/2743408 _________________ I'm sorry, I had to do this. Do not yell at me if this is Front Paged. BANANANANANAWZ Press love-it for the Bananas! Anyways, this is to inform you I'm still alive. I am currently working on Fallen Kingdom AMV, and don't have time to give you all happiness with tiny 1 sec animations, sorry. ENTER THIS CONTEST NOW: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Super_Ninja/2729505 You know what tastes better than Bananas? PIANO http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/disqualifica/2546238 NO MORE HATER COMMENTS OR U NO SEE TOMORROW! >.<

How To Play




Game Information

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410 favorites