Warriors - Clan Leader Game

Game Introduction

OKEEYY GUYS I GET WAYYYY TOO MANY COMMENTS ABOUT THIS: WHEN ONE OF YOUR CLANMATES GETS SICK, THE GAME ENDS THERE. THAT'S ALL I'VE DONE. GOT IT? OKEY If you get it, type in "Wopamgumbum" when the pawprint asks you your name. It should be funny XD Okay, I know the Clanmates sometimes say two things when you click on them. No mean comments! I tried fixing it when one of them said, "Ow! I stubbed my toe!" "SpeedClan will be the strongest Clan in the forest now!" *Sigh.* IF YOU REMIX, PLEASE ACTUALLY CHANGE SOMETHING AND GIVE CREDIT! Updates: November 22nd, 2014: Added leader's den! November 23rd, 2014: Added another "chapter"...I guess? November 29th, 2014: Removed glitch where the medicine cat would follow you outside. LATER: Added gender and the ability to get a mate if you're a she-cat! December 6th, 2014: Fixed the glitch where the medicine cat would appear in your den. Also added some extra costumes for the med kitty :3 January 10th?/2015: Added so that it's easier to make the app a warrior. (Please comment if it doesn't work) January 19th, 2014: Added different personalities for your Clanmates! January 30th, 2015: Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! 530 VIEWS? OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS STARCLAN! This is so amazing, people! Thank you!!! February 8th, 2015: Added the ability to change your pelt color. On the intro screen, press the right/left arrow keys to change your pelt color. You cannot change it when you start playing. March 1st, 2015: Fixed the glitch where the name variables would appear when you click the flag or when a backdrop changes. (And added blushing for your mate-cat!) March 4th, 2015: What. WHat. WHAt. WHAT. WHAT?! Only 3 views away from 1,000 views????!!!! OH MY GOSH!!! Whoever is the 1,000th viewer of this game will be very VERY lucky...not only because they will be the 1,000 viewer. They will be the 1,000 viewer of any game I've ever made!!! Keep your fingers crossed, everyone! March 10th? 2015: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1,082 VIEWS I AM FREAKING OUT TOO MUCH HERE WHOOOAAA March 11th? 2015: Deleted the suffixed mist, water, frost, and some other ones that I can't remember. But I ADDED step and leap! March 25th, 2015: Fixed where the sick cat would be outside AND in the medicine den. Also fixed the glitch where you would immediately get into the conversation with the med cat, even if you didn't click him/her. August 11th, 2015 (YESS CANCELLED MY DENTIST APPOINTMENT): Changed the StarClan cat. A lot. September...eh...6th? 2015: Changed the starting screen art, a tiny bit on the cat that can become your mate, and added the nursery. (No queens or kits yet) September 11 (terrible day in history) 2015: Probably fixed the probably-never-making-the-apprentice-a-warrior glitch. I don't know, I'm too lazy to test it, so you guys find out. September 26th, 2015: Let's just say you'll find out if you try to make your medicine cat deputy. October 3rd, 2015: Fixed the glitch where the nursery button vanished after the deputy ceremony. March 23rd, 2016: Added the rare DERP CAT OUO

How To Play

IF YOU REMIX, GET RID OF THE LOGO AT THE BEGINNING Blazeheart here! How's this for a game? Huh? HUH? Okay, I know it's not so different from the other games I make. So in this game, you become leader of your Clan. Click the pawprint that says 'play' to begin. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR PELT COLOR, USE THE ARROW KEYS ON THE TITLE PAGE. (You can't change your color when you're playing.) You will be asked what your cat's name is, and what your Clan is. For both of these questions, only answer with the PREFIX. For example: Black, Fury. If you typed in Blackstar or FuryClan, it would later appear as Blackstarstar or FuryClanClan. After you've typed in the info, you will receive your nine lives and new name from Firestar. (How cool is that?) It takes a really long time, and if you get too bored, you can click the white 'skip' arrow down in the bottom left corner. Once that's over, you'll appear on the "Moonhill" with your Clan's medicine cat. Oh, and you can't walk around during this scene or when you're holding a meeting. You'll only change directions. But why would you want to do that? Welcome to your Clan of zombies! XD I know, they walk around as if their brains are made of mush. But it's cool, right? The medicine cat will tell you that you'll need to appoint a new deputy. You'll have all the time in the world to choose, so take your time. To see the names of your Clanmates, you can touch them with your mouse-pointer. Or, you can open a list of all your Clanmates by clicking on the top red button. Click the bottom one to hide it. Click on your Clanmates to talk to them. Yeah, they're pretty clumsy. Once you've chosen which cat you want as deputy, go to the medicine den by clicking on the brown button on the bottom of the screen that says "medicine cat den". Click on the medicine cat to talk to him/her. To appoint the deputy, say "yes", "(cat's name)", and then "yes". After you've appointed your deputy, you can take some time to hang out. But if you're a busy person, you can continue with the game. You'll notice that one cat is smaller than all the others. This cat will have a random color, and he is the Clan's only apprentice. If you keep on talking to him, he'll eventually ask "Can I be made a warrior now?". Say yes, and you'll hold his ceremony. When you give him his warrior name, give him his full name like 'Redpelt'. That means you can also change his name completely. XD (And no naming your apprentice 'Tigerstar' or 'Dorkykit' or not changing his name at all. That's just rude.) Okay, I think you've got it. Plus I don't think you'll want to read anymore. Talk to the med cat if you need pointers. BLAZEHEART OUT! (At last) Nup I'm back to say I typed in "Echo" as my prefix for while testing the game and my warrior name was "Echostrike" XP




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