
Game Introduction

HEY! I'm tired of people saying "you should add so-and so function" when that function already exists. Please read the project notes so you know what the controls are before you suggest anything. Thank you. would you like to see some awesome pen drawing? http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Wes64test/2767575 === Notice === I probably will be online a lot less due to school. I will reply to comments but only look at projects/forum topics and stuff on the weekends. Post scores in comments :D My high score is 55610 Sorry about the flickering, but it would be far too hard on the computer/fglash player to make the entire array render script single-frame.

How To Play

The goal is to maneuver the falling block pieces to create filled rows. This gets you points. If blocks stack all the way to the top of the screen, you lose. Arrow keys to move the blocks. Down makes the block fall more. A/D to rotrate the blocks. Have fun!




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

3.3k favorites