YouTube Clicker ▶

Game Introduction

I'll try to respond if you have any questions, ideas, concerns, glitch reports, etc. Btw, I'm not really adding anything to this game anymore (though I will try to fix glitches). The audio in this game is from Scratch's library. Credit to the Scratch Wiki for the stop detection code and to the people listed below for their many ideas/contributions (thank you!!): • @idkwhattoputhere7 - Player CPS, Maximum Ultimate Workers button, sound effects & music settings, different music loops, achievements, achievement for getting all achievements, emerald plaque achievement, achievement for playing for 10 min, achievement for getting 10 achievements, achievement for being most subscribed channel, pressing "a" to buy maximum ultimate workers, "Meow!" achievement, noting achievement difficulty, editors, back/next item buttons causing selected item "rolling over" • @ImCHICKENhaha - Commas in numbers (suggested more recently) • @MonkeyMan1243 - Commas in numbers (sorry I didn't add it until over a year after you suggested it) • @maybelucas1 - Back item button • @0_0scratcher - Original version (see bottom of instructions to find link to it), buying multiple ultimate workers working with answers containing commas, hiding stats when stop button is pressed • @Faugetgamer - Figured out how to copy the complete save code in mobile • @Logiman09 - Buying workers with number keys • @beanzdagger96 - Saving & loading feature (though I think others have also suggested this in the past) • @asajack, @najibdana, and me building on their ideas - option to buy max items possible • @monkeyaus123 - light mode • And maybe more—they're might be some people I forgot, so if I did, I'm sorry. If you did suggest any implemented ideas and I forgot to note you here, I can add you if you want. Super duper highest scores (removed because they were so high people that told me to remove them): 1.116772281245406e+62 4.20750091634787e+50 (There used to be a cloud high score but I removed it because I believe it was glitchy.) Also, I would like to thank you all for all the attention and support this project has gotten. It's hard to believe how it has gotten so much exposure, despite that (in my opinion) it's honestly a pretty meh or really, I'd say, bad game. However, I'm very grateful to all the people who have played this silly little game I made all those years ago. Thank you. Originally shared Feb 14, 2019

How To Play

Instructions: - Click/space bar to gain subscribers - Every second you earn one cent per sub - Buy things in the shop (use arrow keys or back/next item buttons to scroll, click to buy) - You can also purchase workers in bulk by holding the corresponding key (e.g., pressing 8 will repeatedly buy robot workers) - When saving, make sure to triple click the save code to make sure you copy all of it. **On mobile you have to go to the project editor by pressing "see inside" and then triple tap the save code to copy it fully, at least that works for me on iOS.** Then paste it somewhere safe to copy and paste it into the game later SPC = Subscribers per click SPS = Subscribers per second CPS = Clicks per second (earns based on SPC) Editors = Number of editors (9. in shop) you have Player CPS = How many times you are manually clicking per second Have fun, and let me know if you have any questions or confusion. Original version (basically the game with less of its newer updates. Idea for this is from @0_0scratcher):




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