Turret Dodge
Game Introduction
Music are by the people who made Portal 2 I am sorry if this isn't that good. I haven't made a game in a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time... 2/22 - fixed setting/instruction glitch where game started before closing, causing various glitches 2/21 - nerfed shotgun with smaller pellets/bullet speed decreased, gave trapper more range and trap time increased 2/20 - fixed space bug and laser bug, given 3 lives 2/19 - increased transition speed, nerfed everything again 2/18 - nerfed normal, laser, shotgun, and trap turret. added optional space(play button) Tags:
How To Play
Click the flag, and turn the sound on. Instructions are in-game. Comment your score below! (Which one do you think is too OP?) I decided to make a game. I was bored. I was tired of making characters for my big project, so I made this to get my mind off costumes and play with the code. :) My top score is 47 :P
Game Information
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