
Game Introduction

---Click the Green Flag twice--- (doesn't support mobile devices) -Instructions- >WASD or Arrow Keys to move >Point and click to create portals > Don't touch the acid (purple) >"q" for blue portal >"e" for red portal >"r" to reset the portals >"p" to restart the level -Notes- > I made this program for the AP Computer Science Principles exam. If you have any questions about that class, you can ask me and you should really take it. > Drop a Love. Fav, and Follow!!! > This probably took me ~2 weeks to make > Comment any bugs you see since the portals are kind of buggy.\ > Shooting a portal on yourself won't work (due to a lot of issues with collisions and stuff). -Credits- All art and program is made by me @Gligar35 Music is from the Sprite Library...still looking for a good theme music...

How To Play




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