Super Mario 64 - Cool Cool Mountain

Game Introduction

This project is from 2019. If you like this style of platformer then try the 2024 Zelda Tears of the Kingdom game Do you think this is pretty cool? Get it? Cause it's COOL COOL Mountain...! xD Credit to Nintendo for making Super Mario 64 and for inspiring me to create this project. All art (except stars) and most of the programming by me New costume system by me Star art and some star code by @lisa_wolfgang Scrolling by @griffpatch Snowball physics by @relrel Finally it's shared! There are some bugs that need to be fixed, sound effects that need to be recorded and small details to be added- I'll try to fix as many as I can ASAP. Controls: WASD or Arrow Keys to run, jump, crouch and groundpound Run + Down + Up to Longjump Down + Y to Dive Stand near the Baby Penguin and press Y to pick it up and drop it Press B if you're stuck in a wall Try to find all 5 stars! by @griffpatch (Thank you so much :O)

How To Play




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