Jump! A scrolling platformer

Game Introduction

-Welcome to another game by @-SimpleGames- ! This is a pretty long platformer(by my standards) and my first project over 1mb! -Instructions WAD or arrow keys to move, as usual Don't touch red Light yellow is a savepoint Dark yellow are keys, they disable/enable certain platforms For the best performance play on a gaming PC (jk) There are explanatory text in game. -I worked very hard on this! so a love and favorite(and maybe a follow?) will be greatly appreciated! -Credit Thanks to @JediBrine for curating! :D Epic intro by @tonynsc Griffpatch for the platformer tutorial! It's really good! Rectangle fill probably by @TheLogFather Read this before you comment: I know that the platformer engine is kinda buggy. I am trying to fix the glitch where you can't jump after you go through the platform. -Other stuff YouTube review by @Noentiendo2005: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrQADjfBaj4 My Q&A https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/299888248/ First comment: @imaginedragonsyay3 If anyone finds a fitting music for this project I'll add it! Thanks for the loves and faves! Loved and Favorited by @Daria_Shu ! 4/1 What the community is loving! 4/2 #10 on explore page :D And it's my 10th project! 4/2 TOP LOVED! (1k loves) :D 4/3 Top remixed! 4/5 3k loves! 4/10 100k views! 4/15 200 Remixes! 4/22

How To Play




Game Information

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Collection Count

5.8k favorites