Geometry dash subzero HACKED

Game Introduction

How To Play

it would be nice of you to follow me :) Created a geometry dash songs project Im really upset that the love/view ratio is only 1% :( please love IMPORTANT NEWS I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED THE AMONG US ANIMATION SO PLEASE GO CHECK THAT OUT HERE IS THE LINK Alright so im a VR player who loves to play rec room and i play on ps4 if you also have rec room on your ps4 pls friend me PSN: Phantom-_-Toxic and if you have rec room but not on the ps4 friend me Also FOR THIS Game please tell me in the comments what you rate this game 1 out of 10 star also pls like and follow but most importantly LOVE/LIKE Alright children You keep saying this is trash because you cant die........... YOU NOT SUPPOSED TO DIE ITS HACKED!!!!!!!!!! thanks to the almighty @crystalkeeper7 for making the normal geometry dash subzero road to 1000 likes and stars so please just click the heart and star for literally no reason:) Shout out to SAC (school age center) if anyone who is at this place right now and is playing this just know I used to go there 3 years ago i miss that place if im correct i dont remember the names but the room you are in is the computer lab Please comment and tell me if you are at sac. I remember playing scratch at SAC. also here is proof that i used to go there (fort drum)




Game Information

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17.2k favorites