Warriors: Daybreak

Game Introduction

Update 4/23/21: added two new stories for the elders. Visit Darkwing on Day 5 or Hollyberry on Day 2 or 3 to see them. This game is 100% mobile friendly! Also, be sure to click the green flag twice! (or more than twice. No judgement.) How To Play: Click on the screen to move. To enter and exit areas, walk onto the enterance (it will light up when your cat touches it) and click it again. Click on cats to talk to them. Click on your nest when it is sundown or night to sleep. Please report any bugs or missing features in the comments!

How To Play

Link to Endless Day: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/315043203/ Link to Half Moon: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/331605626/ Update 4/23/20- added music It’s been awhile since I have been active on Scratch. I haven’t been able to access my most popular project, Warriors: The Game, so I decided it was about time for a remake. Because Scratch on my device doesn’t like to load large projects, this version of the game will be uploaded in segments. This is just the kit section. The second and third parts of the game are also out, (in two separate projects, one for warrior apprentice and one for medicine cat)




Game Information

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