Bubble Jump

Game Introduction

New game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/313768919/ Featured on May 08, 2019 It is recommended to play this game without headphones. You can't get the highscore if you are a new Scratcher. Please do not advertise. All coding and artwork was made by me. I made the artwork in Inkscape and in the SVE. @ceebee inspired me with her "Bubble Bloop" project to let the bubbles pop like this.The music is "Tevo" by Vexento. The sounds are from Zapsplat.

How To Play

Press on the play button and click or tap on a bubble to start. Each bubble gives you one point. The bubbles get increasingly faster. If you stay too long in a bubble, you will fall out. Don't get off screen, otherwise you die. At the beginning you can select a skin and change something in the options. Have fun!




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