Pokemon Battle test scratch
Game Introduction
Update 2019: Wow people are still playing this? I made this when I was 14. I'm 21 now. Ah nostalgia... Anyway, glad you're all having fun. Use the arrow keys to move your character at first, then all you need is the mouse to select your Pokemon from the PC Box and select the moves you want. Type match-ups, same type attack boosts, etc, it's all in there (except critical hits and misses, those are annoying). I hope you enjoy this small celebration of Pokemon. All pokemon are copyright of Nintendo.
How To Play
First just uses the arrow keys to move to the computer, then just use the mouse. Select 2 pokemon and use the mouse to select the moves you want. Sorry it takes such a long time to load. (It's quite a big game). POKEMON BATTLE TEST 2: CLASH OF LEGENDS IS OUT! ( http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11778809/ ) It's like this game, but features only legendary pokemon! (Yes, Mewtwo is still in it, but now isn't as overpowered. Can it beat Arceus and Kyurem?)
Game Information
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