Old Town Road Clicker

Game Introduction

Follow @TheBestCheeseInTown please Credit to Lil X Nas and Billy Ray Cyrus for Old Town Road. I edited it so that it is clean. Credit to google for da pixel art things. 'Clang' sound from the scratch library. This is my first game! 5/31/19 - on trending! Cool animation: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/318724299/ #Games

How To Play

Click the horse to upgrade to a cowboy hat, to upgrade to a money bag, to a bank, to a cowboy. Bulk buy: If you turn bulk buy on, then it asks you have much you want to buy. If you turn it off, then you can click the things without it asking you. Goal: Get the most money. M to mute, U to unmute.




Game Information

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