UFO Pilot Camp [Beta]

Game Introduction

COMPLETED VERSION: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/373532611/ Featured on 2/29/20 to ~/~/20 (still currently featured) Wow! I'm gone for a few months and now this has over 100,000 views! Thank y'all so much! :) Updates: Version 1.0.0 - BETA version Version 1.0.1 - Mute button added! :) Version 1.0.2 - Cow button added at end of game Version 1.0.3 - Fixed bug where cow button showed up in each level; thank you @jinwon2 for mentioning this bug Version 1.0.4 - Last level cow bug fixed; you must drop the cow with the UFO into the box to open up the gate. Check out our new studio 'because animation' We are looking for curators to help out, apply here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/325485358/ How the detector works: A decent amount of scratchers have asked how the detector worked. So I'll explain it here instead of answering all of your comments questioning how the detector works. First, check out @qucchia, for the original idea, I only tweaked it. Now for how it works. The code basically just receives data on where your mouse is and returns it. The whole screen can be thought of a big coordinate plane and certain places on the screen have certain coordinates. So, there is a set coordinate on the screen where certain buttons are and you can do a simple if/then block to broadcasts a message if your mouse is at a certain coordinate. Credits: @Coder_Apple for majority of the code and the newly added mute button (the code and art) @qucchia for the detector, I edited the detector to make it funnier and more suited for this project. @superstarcoder for teaching me how to make a platformer @rukai for the hovercraft code (the white circles that come from the ufo) @gumboygames for start button, I changed the color of it @ThePlatypusLord for the inspiration to make a click the love and favorite buttons for cows (instead of potates) @MisterDoughnut, How to make a shaded circle (Tutorial): Thanks to google for the images, I had to edit them a little bit. Thanks to NCS for the music! Song name: Sky High by Elektronomia

How To Play

COMPLETED VERSION: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/373532611/ Read the instructions given at each level. Use one hand to play the game with your keyboard and the other to eat an apple. ;) There's a detector for this program to see what you're hovering over on the webpage. (Check the notes and credits for how it works) For example, if you hover over the 'see inside' button, there will be a message broadcasted telling you to stop what you're doing because it thinks you are attempting to cheat by changing the code. If you aren't logged in, in editor mode, or in full screen mode some detections won't work.




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5.8k favorites