Super Scratch Bros Beta 4.0
Game Introduction
4.0 Notes: -Added Psykid -Added Spacedog -Working on two new characters, who will most likely be the final two characters added. You cannot unlock them in this version. -Added 3 new stages, Scratchville, Millennium Fox, and Tower Ambush. Stages now have background parallaxes -Adjusted hurt boxes for a few characters -Added rules menu -Added music -Medium Mike's neutral air attack is weaker. -Road Combatant's down ground attack is faster, with changed hitboxes. -Metron's homing missiles no longer use TRIGONOMETRY... they are now guided by player input to make them not the most broken move in the game anymore. -Chrarth had some animation adjustments. His down air is better, and his side ground only does one slash. -Thundercat has been renamed to Electricat. The thundercloud striking only hits for one frame now (no more duplicate hits from the attack). The thunderbolt attack now works on floating platforms *** side air change -Puffy's side air attack is better overall. New 'Z' effect when he/she is asleep. He/she is also slightly faster in the air and has a higher jump ** changed hitbox for rest -Club Buddies' ice spray now does hitstun. Their side ground attack has a slower startup. -Changes to knockback and hitstun (less hitstun, all characters have the same air speed when hit) -All character's rolls have been nerfed -Shield sizes are adjusted based on character size -Better visual feedback for when you block an attack with a shield -Fastfalling is faster -Added cool effect where player motion pauses for a fraction of a second after landing an attack to convey impact -Removed Herobrine, whatever that means
How To Play
To navigate the menu and play, use the arrow keys to move, Z to select, and X to go back. Z = Attack X = Shield Z + X = Special Holding a direction while attacking changes what attack you will do. Each fighter has a neutral, side, up, & down attack. If you press Shield and Attack at the same time, you will do a Special attack (you can also press C in single player modes) Each fighter has one special attack. -You can press Down + Shield to taunt. You can also press V to taunt in 1-player modes. Press space to pause.
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