If you're bored, then...
Game Introduction
You'll figure it out ;) This is just a little project that I made a while back, and I shared it cause... why not? Maybe someone's day will be a little brighter afterwards because of it, who knows. Why is this 5th on trending... OLD LIFE UPDATE: Uhhh, where to begin... Ok well.. I'm not great at speaking in-front of crowds but here goes nuffin... (That's a joke btw cause this is the internet I can't see anyone, ha. ha. ha.) So, I've started learning to use Blender and Unity this year and I'm hoping some time next year to release some stuff on crazygames, or maybe even Steam if it's good enough, but I'll let you guys know if I do. Also in February of 2020 I'll be going up to a Bible Collage for half a year, so I'm pretty excited for that, but all this probably means I'm probably not going to be as active as I have been (which already hasn't been much), but who knows? I've also been making quite a few projects still on scratch that I haven't been sharing cause I haven't finished them. Mostly more technical stuff, like a project which can tell out of 3 to idk how many different things you say and then act accordingly (basically voice command), or another one is a project that can scan the screen and detect which colour each pixel is (limited to black and white for the moment but I can think of a way of making do any colour) and then apply a bloom effect on the image using pen, and other random things like that. I've also played through a good lot of Hollow Knight recently, really good game. Also at the moment I've got what's basically a full time job which is part of the reason why I'm not on scratch very much anymore
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