✭ // Gacha Life-Dress up // ✭ v1.5 ✭

Game Introduction

✪UPDATES✪ >New Thumbnail >Niqab and Hijab - design by @x_Antarctica_x >Blush Option >22 NEW Mouth Presets >Accesories Option >Glasses >More Hairstyles >More Eyes Presets >New Skin Colors >New Texts >New Glasses >Stop Music Option >Horns & Halos >New Background Music >More Clothes Options >Eyebrows >Fixed Sound Glitch >Fixed Layering Props Bug >Gacha Club Stuff(1) - - - - - - - - CREDITS ✪ Music ✪ herbal tea - Artificial.Music ✪ Backgrounds and Buttons ✪ Made by @diferita - Apps used: FireAlpaca,Pixlr X and Pixlr E ✪ Texts ✪ I took them from google ✪ Clothes,Hair & Accesories ✪ Made by/in Lunime - Gacha Life @x_Antarctica_x for the amazing hijabs and niqabs! ✪Advertising isn't allowed!✪ Please don't advertise.I will report your comment ✪ Time Spent ✪ It took me 5-6 days ! ! ! THIS GAME BELONGS TO @diferita ! ! ! I can't belive how many loves,favs remixes and views this game got!YOU'RE THE BEST! I wish I could answer to all of your comments:'') -WE REACHED 30K+ VIEWS!!!!THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! ✭✭✭TOP REMIXED ON @05/22/2020/✭✭✭ THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! JUST GOT FRONT PAGED ON "What the community's remixing" !!! ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

How To Play

✭ // Gacha Life Dress up // ✭ v1.5 !! DO NOT ADVERTISE OR ASK FOR F4F HERE !! ! ! ! THIS PROJECT BELONGS TO @diferita ! ! ! ✪This game was first shared on 7th of April 2020 then reshared on 13th July 2020 ✪CREATING "Not Safe-For-Work" CHARACTERS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED!!!! ✪Click on the options/buttons to dress up your Character ✪Click on the objects(hair,clothes,etc..) or Background to change their color ✪Press the "Music" button to play the song--Press button "2" to stop the song ✪There are 15 Backgrounds ✪You have 14 options to customize/dress up your Character and 5 options to decorate/customize the backgrounds ✪This is the version 1.4 .There will be Updates in time ✪Please let me know if there are any glitches or bugs ✭ 【 E n j o y 】✭ ! ! ! THIS PROJECT BELONGS TO @diferita ! ! !




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

9.3k favorites