3D Star Wars 0.9.1-2

Game Introduction

100% original. 3D from Wikipedia's Camera transform article. Release Notes: **** v0.9.1 (Dec 16, 2015, yay! Episode VII!! :-) ): - Improved performance, much less lag - No more freezes - Tried to fix sound glitches, but they still happen, it kills me!! :-( - By default, no inverted Y-Axis (purists will hate it, but it's easier for most players) - By default, control with the mouse - Nothing else new! I wanted to fix the bugs and performance problems before adding anything new! v0.9 (May 4th! May the Fourth... May the force be with you ;-) ): - Added z-ordering on objects - Added flat terrain - Added tunnel - Added turrets - Added planets in the backgrounds - Improved the cockpit with more "integrated" counters (speed, position, health, energy and dark energy) - Fixed the AI for the TIE fighters - Added 3 levels - So many changes, I can't remember everything... :-s v0.7.1: - Still trying to fix some sound glitches... - Fixed a display bug in the minimap for TIE fighters v0.7: - New cockpit, that goes less in the way - Fixed the 3D (yeah, really I messed this up): the xyz space is full left-handed, and all rotation calculations now takes this into account. X is west-east. Y is altitude. Z is south-north. - Added TIE fighters, real enemies that shoot at us! I must say, this is pretty pleasing. - Added energy gauge - Added game over animation and screen - Added one new infinite level, because I didn't have time to design more levels, but I still wanted you guys to enjoy the new enemies ;-) v0.6: - Added music management, better handling of shooting - better level 3

How To Play

Full 3D Star Wars Project *** Controls (Mouse) *** Click = shoot [Space] = boost [P] = Pause [M] = Menu *** Controls (Keyboard) *** Arrows to move [Space] = shoot [B] = Boost [P] = Pause [M] = Menu *** Goal *** You go from one mission to another by collecting enough energy (the blue orbs) to activate the hyperdrive. Avoid mines and enemies. You lose when your spaceship is too damaged. *** Story *** The Republic is under a new type of attack: a sort of electronic entity is perturbating the peace in the galaxy. Patrols have been sent but never came back. It is suspected that the alleged electronic entity took control of these spaceships to destroy them. As the Millennium Falcon is all analog, you offered to go on a mission to investigate on this mysterious entity, collect information, and if possible restore the peace in the galaxy. 7 levels (only), this is an intermediate version. Please give your feedback, especially on the enemies! *** Lag? *** Go in the options to decrease the number of stars and the drawing distance. Also, use Phosphorus: http://phosphorus.github.io/#32322678 Or procd's compiler: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/35417838/




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