3D Ocean Testing

Game Introduction

3D Scratchdew valley: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/368735609/ https://forkphorus.github.io/#326382133 Credits: Inspired by Subnautica Made by @reigameru Special thanks to: @cs3342310 and @AtomicVault for their awesome remixes that helped improve this! All the zones: 0 - 1 299 = Light zone 1 300 - 3 999 = Abyssal zone 4 000 - 34 999 = Hadal zone 35 000 - 49 999 = Ecological Dead zone 50 000 - 150 000 = Flame zone Tips: if you put your mouse pointer on the Fish, it will show what specie it is, if you click, you will eat it. want to resurface quickly before you die? Try typing in this cheatcode: resur if you get below 4000 feet, everything will be dark and it will damage your suit. Resurface fastly before your suit gets damaged. if you are below 1300 feet, it will automatically warn you and you will enter the abyssal zone, where its darker and scarier.

How To Play

WASD - Swim Right arrow - Rotate right Left arrow - Rotate left Down arrow - Swim down Up arrow - Swim up !!!!Supports Mobile Devices!!!! Diffrence between infinite and normal mode: Normal mode - Max depth is 8000, and you are able to die. Oxygen is going down slowly when underwater. Infinite mode - There is no sea floor + some extra things deeper down. Oxygen is always 100%.




Game Information

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