Manage a Clan v1.0

Game Introduction

ADVERTISING. Not looking for critique, just sharing a project i made with Scratch's offline editor.

How To Play

Click and drag to organize your cats and manage your Clan! A few examples: *OBTAINING FOOD: Clicking on your deputies or warriors can get you more fresh-kill. *ORGANIZING CATS: Drag them into a nest, out into the clearing, by the tree, whatever! *SCORING: Your score is counted by how many days you organize your Clan for! Random Clan name is selected each time. *CHANGING CAT DUTIES: Warriors can be guards too- any avatar doesn't have to be a specific task. *FEEDING ELDERS AND QUEENS: Queens do not ask for fresh-kill, but when elders do, a piece of prey is automatically deducted. *GAINING HERBS: There is no way to gather herbs for medicine cats- yet! *ARRANGING PATROLS: Just drag a few cats into the clearing, then into the tunnel, to "send" them out hunting or on a border patrol! *SPARRING: Put a few cats into the clearing for sparring matches or mentor-apprentice training. *MOTHERING: Drag to assign kits to mothers or let them listen to the elders' stories!




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