Memories (Purple Island)

Game Introduction

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 6: ************************************************************** I have lost everything. My journey started in Blue Land. This part is the last part, before I find them... ************************************************************** In this game, you will journey through the area Purple Island where everything is always purple. **************************************************************Purple Island is the fifth part of the series "Memories". In every part, you will earn a new power to use. You will journey through areas to get them back... ************************************************************** Thanks to all of you who played and especially to those of you who loved! Thanks of course to scratch for everything. Thanks to @DANISON for the text engine. Inspired by @Za-Chary 's game "i'm sorry " and "thank you". ************************************************************** 10/12/2019........................................#13 on trending!!! ************************************************************** #platformer 5

How To Play

Studio: ************************************************************** Wow! Top loved on day 4 from sharing! Thanks a lot! ************************************************************** 1000 loves! .........2/7/2020 ************************************************************** Arrow keys to move. Sorry about the long texts, but they're really important. Read the instructions in the game. Good luck. Also, love and fave if you enjoyed! Follow for more! ************************************************************** Play my other games in this studio! ************************************************************** This is the fifth part. It is very hard. If you are having trouble, I suggest you look below for controls, or play the first four parts before. ************************************************************** CONTROLS z: Jump higher. x: get close to an enemy to make him disappear. c: Make an invisible platform visible. v: Change gravity. b: Fall through walls while pressing.




Game Information

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1.1k favorites