Minecraft Platformer - Episode 2

Game Introduction

Minecraft Platformer 4 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/554690423/ Credit Crew: @bobojoeho @sans_fan_clan_man @hilty123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coding 100% mine @atomicmagicnumber Inspired by Minecraft - the most epic game of all time. Minecraft was originally made by Markus Persson and released by Mojang, but is now owned by Microsoft. Graphics are Minecraft and my own. I hope you like the main sprites - they took me ages! Music and sounds by Minecraft and freesound. Fonts are from Flamingtext.com, Minecraft or my own. ---------- IPad, tablet, and mobile friendly --------- -----------------------Search Tags----------------------- tip - to thank you for reading this stuff: HUGE BONUS CHESTS for completing levels FAST! MAX of 5 CHEST per level for ULTRA FAST players! Yes, it is possible to get all the chests... but it is hard - getting even one chest a level is a huge achievement.

How To Play

Minecraft Platformer 2 - Episode 2 ➊ Use ARROW keys, WASD keys or touchscreen. ➋ SPACEBAR or ACTION to chop, hit or craft. Level 1 has a tutorial and keeps items to get you going. TONS of awesome new gameplay! First 100 to love and comment win chance to be added to the credit crew! Yes, you CAN post a walk-through in the comments! ---------- IPad, tablet, and mobile friendly --------- -----------------------Search Tags----------------------- tip - to thank you for reading this stuff: HUGE BONUS CHESTS for completing levels FAST! MAX of 5 CHEST per level for ULTRA FAST players! Yes, it is possible to get all the chests... but it is hard - getting even one chest a level is a huge achievement.




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