WTL Sequel

Game Introduction

yoohoo! quadruplyy clickie da flagiee. no fullscreen recommended. subscribe to 7Sofa on U Tube. ;) just a short sequel to the Words Taken Literally Series ;) and i guess u can call this the 5k special TuT i was too late to make a 5k special.... "i'm so into you...i can barely BREATHE" - Ariana Grande credits: - @Dhilly for the music + sound effects XDD im too lazy to get one online and download and stuff so yee XD - Ariana Grande's music: Into You - flamingtext.com - @lucky_chicky for music - @huntedskelly aka jelly for special sound effect! - me for VA'ing. I KNOW I SOUND RIDICULOUS LOPPP (check out an unused recording in one of the sprites that gives u the reason why i let u hear my ridiculous voice) #Animations know it's so blocky and not smooth....this took just two or three days to do and i ain't a pro at animating at all xD gotta practice!! (practicewillhelpyouimprove (i can't hashtag this bc apparently it gets caught in the bad word detector that ST put up. TuT) top love - april 29, 2020 top remixed - may 5, 2020 (Happy Cinco de Mayo!)

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