100% Pen Bloons Tower-Defense
Game Introduction
2/11/20 - 800 views in one day? That's crazy! 2/12/20 - Added an auto-start button but it's broken, I'll fix it later... 2/12/20 - It's later, and I fixed it. Also, 13,000 views in two days? Insane! (also 6th on trending) 2/13/20 - 2nd on trending in 3 days????? 2/18/20 - 1st!!!!!!!! I have waited forever for this! Thanks to everyone who checked this project out! I will try to read every comment, but I won't be able to respond to all of them. I put a ton of work into this project, and a heart or star would be appreciated! This project is truly 100% pen. (Even the thumbnail is drawn, click the stop sign once you are done playing, wait a few seconds, and you can see it!) There are over 3300 blocks total in this project! Backstory: Ever since I started Scratch I have wanted to make a tower defense game. The only problem was I had no idea how to do it. After about a year of doing Scratch I finally had enough experience to do it, and in pen even! Sadly though, this probably going to be my last big project for a while. I am just too busy with school to work on Scratch for long periods of time. I also am trying to learn other programming languages like python and java. I will still check my messages and share occasional projects, I just can't be as active. Scratch was a wonderful experience, and I never thought I would get to this point, and I would love to thank everyone who supported me. It was fun, and I'll see you all around! Edit: I tried to leave but it didn't work, Scratch is too much fun to just stop doing! This is based off of all of the Bloons Tower Defense games made by Ninjakiwi. All the code is by me, but I got the sounds/music from @ggenije
How To Play
Bloons Tower Defense, but in Scratch, and 100% pen! Works on mobile! How to play: - Click the little arrow in the top right to open the menu. - Hover over towers to see their price. Drag the towers into the field to place them. - Click on towers to see their upgrades and range. - Once you have a tower placed, press the play button to start the round. Tips: - The best starting strategy is just a bunch of fully upgraded dart monkeys - The first upgrade adds extra pierce, and the second one doubles attack speed. - I only added rounds up to 30, everything after that is randomly generated. - Turn on turbo mode (Hold shift and click the flag) to fast forward.
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
8.7k favorites