Super Mario Kart v0.3
Game Introduction
All graphics and sound taken from the original SNES game. The track is rendered using pen-based ray casting. You can press D to toggle high resolution but it makes my machine crawl. This took me about 2 months to make (at a very casual rate) but only about 2 hours to make the 3d track renderer. The rest of the time was spent making that pesky game logic. v0.3 - added different starting line ups depending on the character chosen. Also different characters have different handling. v0.2 - added leaderboard v0.1.1 - minor bug fixes v0.1 - First version. Lots of bugs. Still loads more to do especially add more tracks.
How To Play
Menu Z to start then Z to select a kart X to go back in the menu In Game Press and hold Z to accelerate Arrows keys to steer Use X to activate a power up Press D to toggle high/low resolution. High resolution will be more laggy.
Game Information
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