Atmospherical Test v0.4b: Space Exploration Mod v1.4

Game Introduction

ATTENTION - You can only suggest a maximum of 3 suggestions per day now. Any suggestions that pass this limit will NOT be added to the project. If you have a lot of ideas for this project, feel free to remix. - CREDITS - - Credit to @griffpatch for the original project. - Music is from Terraria. - Rotate Slide by @MV42Rises. - Text renderer by @hcl2017 (The renderer is no longer on the server). - CHANGELOG - v0.0: Mar 13, 2020 - Initial Release v0.1: Mar 14, 2020 - Small planets are now less likely to trap you with gravity. Small planets can now only have a minimum radius of 90. v0.2: Mar 16, 2020 - Added 6 new planet types, one of them is from Atmospherical Test v0.5b. Also added a key shortcut to respawn, press the R key to do so. Added W, A, and D key functionality too. v0.3: Mar 17, 2020 - Added a new type of rocket, this rocket is really powerful when on planets, but weak in space, this rocket is useful for high gravity planets, it can be toggled with a button on the top left. Changed the title of the project from "Atmospherical Test v0.4b Mod" to "Atmospherical Test v0.4b: Space Exploration Mod." The thumbnail has been changed as well. v0.4 Mar 18, 2020 - Added a new type of rocket, the Space Exploration Drone, this rocket can go really fast in space, but is completely ineffective on planets. Replaced the change rocket button with key shortcuts 1, 2, and 3. The High Gravity Rocket now has unique particles. Also changed the thumbnail slightly. v0.5: Apr 29, 2020 - New feature requested by @ethanfuller: Speed Indicator! The speed indicator appears on the bottom left of the screen. It indicates the speed that your rocket is moving at. One noticeable flaw about this speed indicator is that it hides behind planets, this is because the indicator is 100% stamp. v0.6: Apr 30, 2020 - Added 6 new planet costumes. v0.7a: May 11, 2020 - New feature requested by @cs3366786: Gas Giants and Ringed Planets! Gas giants will have a 10% chance of replacing an existing planet. They have high winds, large size, and are impossible to traditionally land on them. There are 4 ringed planets you can find, they are based on the planets from the original project. V0.7b: May 11, 2020 - Another feature requested by @cs3366786: Plasma planet! This is a planet you can find. It behaves like a normal planet. V0.8: May 12, 2020 - Added 3 new planet types V0.9: May 21, 2020 - 2 Requested features by @bcc18tm, Black Holes and Space Station! Black holes have a very high mass so that the rocket will be pulled towards it rapidly. It will have a 1/50 chance of spawning. The space station does not move, but it can stop acceleration (I made that idea up to give it a use). I also revamped the UI for mobile users. V1.0: May 22, 2020 - Another feature requested by @bcc18tm, Alien Spaceship! This spaceship is controlled by the player. When you are on the planet with the alien spaceship, press space to set it as your home planet. V1.1: Jun 30, 2020 - New feature requested by @brawlyboi: The booster! The booster can be toggled by pressing the button on the top right. When the booster is equipped, a button will appear next to it, it is the boost button. It can only work when it's cooldown reaches to 0. Pressing it will give you a quick speed boost. It works with any rocket! Also added button sounds. V1.2a: Jul 22, 2020 - New feature requested by @8032960: Suns! There is a 50% chance that a sun will generate instead of a black hole. Like black holes, the suns are very rare...and dangerous! Entering the sun's atmosphere will burn your rocket. V1.2b: Jul 22, 2020 - Added a feature requested by many scratchers: Aliens! They can be found on a unique planet. On their planet, is their city, and 2 towers providing the aliens safety from intruders by creating a ring made of extremely hot light, touching this light will burn your rocket. Hazard planets like this one now have a 1/35 chance of replacing a regular planet. V1.3: Jul 23, 2020 - Added a new rocket suggested by @rattykingcool: Tesla's Roadster (known as rocket car in the project). The rocket car behaves exactly like the regular rocket, except that it lands on planets 90 degrees instead of 0 degrees. Try using it with the booster on a planet! V1.4: Aug 21, 2020: Increased the chance for hazard planets from 1 in 35 chance to 1 in 20 chance, effectively making the alien planet more common.

How To Play

This project adds changes to @griffpatch's Atmospherical Test v0.4b to give more of a space exploration feel. - WHAT'S NEW? - - All planets except the home planet are now randomly generated. Each planet will have unique colors, atmospheres, gravity, sizes, and surface details. There can be up to 250 new planets! However, if the gravity is too strong on the planet you are on to the point where you can't escape, then it would be recommended to respawn or switch rockets. In general, randomly generated planets just adds to the space exploration. - Background music has been added! - Added a key shortcut to respawn, so that way, if you ever get stuck on a planet, you can still have the same planet generation. - New rockets that can be toggled with the 1 - 6 keys: - High Gravity Rocket: This rocket is really powerful on planets, but not in space. This rocket is more for high-gravity planets. - Space Exploration Drone: This rocket goes really fast in space, but is ineffective on planets. - Space Station: This rocket does not move, but can stop acceleration by pressing space (tapping for mobile users). - Alien Spaceship: This slow rocket can set your spawn point by pressing space (a specific button for mobile users). - Rocket Car: A car that is capable of going into space! Behaves very similar to the basic rocket. - CONTROLS - - Use the arrow keys, W, A, and D keys, or mouse to control the ship. - Click the compass to fix the camera rotation to north, click again to revert to the normal camera rotation. - Press the R key to respawn. - Click the button on the top left to choose a rocket. - Press the 1 - 6 keys to switch rockets. - Press space to use the rocket's action.




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