Pie Clicker!

Game Introduction

Getting bored of the original Pie Clicker? Try these approved remixes!: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25970516/ === COLTROC LOVED THIS! 14/03/20 SYNTHETIC HUMAN LOVED+FAVED THIS! 23/03/20 === Before Score reset: Congrats to @cooldude490 for being the first to reach Billions! Congrats to @pablok10 for reaching 137 trillion! After Score reset: Congrats to @homeboy313 for getting to trillions! === Green Hill Zone Remastered: Created by me on BeepBox === Tags #Love

How To Play

⚠️ ADVERTISING IS NOT ALLOWED ⚠️ === Pie Clicker 2 is now out! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/415792177 === I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for 5000 hearts, getting me on trending, and being awesome. I've been doing scratch for much longer than 4 years 5 months, hoping one day i'd get noticed for the games I make. I almost gave up recently because I thought it was impossible, but then I made this. I think something about this game just clicked with everyone (pun intended) and it got popular from that - it has nothing to do with the tags I swear! xD anyway, I really hope you guys will stick around, and once again, thank you for being the best people on scratch. I also want to thank @mac2009 for being the first to follow me and being the first to have faith in me. I have a lot of game coming up, so stay tuned! === Pie Clicker! I'm not going to add anything other than what's here, since this is a one-off. I have nothing else to write except that GameDev 2 is currently being Beta Tested behind closed doors. The public eye now has access to the first build, thanks to a friend of mine getting it out there! I'm excited for GameDev 2 because I have so many ideas that I'm just bursting with creativity. I must say, what you guys are getting in a few months is not gonna be short of content! And yeah, the codes may or may not be in the 100,000s when it comes to digit count, but it's still in development and I'm not done yet.




Game Information

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Collection Count

8.0k favorites