[⭐UPD2] D O D G E 2

Game Introduction

Can we get to 2K faves in 48 hours? Please love, favorite and follow because I spent few hours on drawing pixel art... ❤️ and ⭐ = Score Boost + Bomb! Fullscreen for the best experience! --Instructions-- - Use the mouse to move around, dodge the enemies. - Press space to use a bomb if you have one. - There are 4 kinds of enemies, the first type of enemy surround you. The second type is random bouncing, the third type move around the edge, and the fourth type...ah...just figure it out. - There are four kinds of power ups, the red one will give you an extra hit, the yellow one give you a score boost, the green one give you a bomb and the blue one slow down enemies. --Credits-- - Score Engine By @CgBB - All Graphics And Codes By Me, @icmy123 - Inspired By @-Orbitron-, @NilsTheBest and @ToadfanSchool - @I8D For The Title Turning Suggestion - Music: TheFatRat - Windfall --Tags-- #Games

How To Play

Play this too: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/383661476 Advertisers, BEWARE! I've no place to list who loved and faved this game, so... I will just put them here... 4/9/2020 ......… Top Remixed! Kick Off From Being Top Loved :( Top Loved...Again! Kick Off From Being Top Remixed :( 1.8K Loves! 1.9K Loves! 1.5K Favs! 1.6K Favs! 22K Views! 23K Views! 24K Views! 25K Views! 4/8/2020 ......… 1.5K Loves! 1.6K Loves! 1.7K Loves! 1.3K Favs! 1.4K Favs! 18K Views! 19K Views! 20K Views! 21K Views! 4/7/2020 ......… 1.1K Loves! 1.2K Loves! 1.3K Loves! 1.4K Loves! 1K Favs! 1.1K Favs! 1.2K Favs! 13K Views! 14K Views! 15K Views! 16K Views! 17K Views! 4/6/2020 .......... Trending Loves! 900 Loves! 1K Loves! 700 Favs! 800 Favs! 900 Favs! 10K Views! 11K Views! 12K Views! 4/5/2020 .......... Trending Loves! 500 Loves! 600 Loves! 700 Loves! 400 Favs! 500 Favs! 600 Favs! 7K Views! 8K Views! 9K Views! ❤️ by @yellowtrees 4/4/2020 .......... 300 Loves! 300 Favs! 3K Views! 4K Views! Top Loved! 400 Loves! 5K Views! 6K Views! #12 on trending! ❤️ by @-TheForce- ❤️ by @I8D 4/3/2020 .......... 1K Views! 2K Views! 100 Loves! 200 Loves! 100 Favs! ❤️ by @CapAnimation ❤️ by @Capt_Boanerges ❤️ by @MarioRocks11 ❤️ by @All-Star-soccer ❤️ and ⭐ by @FlippyGod ❤️ by @TimMcCool ❤️ and ⭐ by @--PeriodicGames-- ❤️ by @Probably_Not Update 1: Fixed Teleport Update 2: Fixed Highscore 4/2/2020 .......... ❤️ and ⭐ by @icmy123 (XD) ❤️ by @CoolGuyBug ❤️ by @-Orbitron- ❤️ by @t1me1ord7896 ❤️ by @levi_minecraft ❤️ and ⭐ by @FlamingArrow34 ❤️ by @Spaceflyer234 ❤️ and ⭐ by @Lukas1410




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

2.4k favorites