2048 [Remake]
Game Introduction
Reshared because the project was taken down. Originally shared in April 2020 [was] on trending! Loved and faved by @Coltroc ! (and many others) Do you still have free time after playing this game? If NO, check out my other proejcts. If YES, why don't you read the instructions? :) Play the original game at https://play2048.co/. All right belong to them for this game! This game contains some effects and music that aren't in the original game. Credits: @TimMcCool (me) for all code play2048.co for all art Vexento for the music
How To Play
This is a scratch remake by @TimMcCool of the popular game 2048 (made in 2020). HOW TO PLAY: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one! Can you get the 2048 tile? If you can't move the tiles anymore and can't merge two tiles into one, your game is over.
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
5.3k favorites