Losing your Phone

Game Introduction

Spent around 13 hours on this one animation, this is one of my favorite Animations. :) if you liked the animation, then you should follow me at @Sterlon, I have more planned ;) Other Animations I have: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/372425358/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/199393070/ Credits: Nintendo flamingtext.com @Berricake @PotatoAnimator @-Boymcboy- @sandant @derpanimation kalebcity #animations

How To Play

Spam the Green Flag! (some lag if you dont), Kick back, relax, and enjoy! Fullscreen is not Recommended. Can we get this TOP LOVED?!?! :O #1 ON TRENDING?!?!?! TOP LOVED! 4/26/20 TOP REMIXED?! 5/2/20 Link if scratch cannot load the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yha-T1KVbE0




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

7.4k favorites