Goku Vs Coronavirus
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Press flag 3 times for best result. Uh I think i won't be able to ready every single comment, I'll try tho. THANK YOU EVERYONE, 12/10/2020 - Got trending 2th Place 13/10/2020 - Got 1000 Loves and Favourites 18/10/2020 - Got 3000 Loves, TYSM (DD/MM/YYYY) Please Love and Favourite the project, I spent a lot of time making it. Thanks! If you want more content: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/355844863/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/430997624/ Sorry sonic fans no animation for you lol Btw You can remix and add your own OC(s) but if you are using somebody else's OC then credit them My longest animation to date (240 seconds aka 4-ish minutes) 「SPRITE CREDIT」 The corona virus stick man thing was made by me. I own Lattuce. So if you want to use Lattuce credit me, but if you want to use CoronaMan (That's it's name now lol) then no need for credit just don't say you made it. Commander Safegaurd, That sprite belongs to me I made it,You can use with credit and permission.~~unless your kroly~~ Other characters obviously are credited to my friends. @[Username] is the name of the user, ([OC]) is the OC of that name. The list is: (In no particular order) @Zackman137 (Ion) @HyperSonic333 (Electro) @Malphas-969 (Zukini) @DBZ_PROJECTS (Omnito) @KrolySSJ3 (Kroly) @DragonBallZ-Ras (Rayan) @gokussgss1000 (Hocus) @LostPeanut29 (Inori) @Uniqx (His Oc: Unqix) @JaxonRobertL (Rex) @MLGsonic999 (Hero) @BlackSenjuZRSW @SSJ3Chomp (Corn) @-_Radis_- (Goku sprite, i'm pretty sure) Thanks to Qsab101 (On DeviantArt) For the Goku sprite! https://www.deviantart.com/qsab101/art/Goku-Ultimate-LSW-Sheet-700665466 Miscellaneous effects taken from different projects. All the credits for the ocs i think... If i missed you then tell me the name of your OC and I'll add it. Special thanks to @KrolySSJ3 for reviewing the project twice. 「MUSIC CREDIT」 Let it Burn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK2SE7LKmS4 Buu's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWN9NjB9XW4 Yushi no Gaisen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQGY1MxtjWw I do not own the music or any sound effects 「READ THIS SECTION AFTER WATCHING THE PROJECT」 So that weird guy that helped Goku was "Commander Safegaurd"(Short version: CS) It's a mascot for a very popular soap brand in Pakistan (My country). And @KrolySSJ3 gave me this idea to add him into the animation. (Originally there was no CS in the animation just Goku fighting) And that was the best idea I've ever gotten for an animation. So I took some extra few days and added CS into the animation, and very happy with result, I know some of the dialogue is cringy and corny but this is one of the few times I've really had fun with animation. It was pretty fun to make this sure may have took 4 months but maybe it is because of that this is special. You see that little pumpkin,That was @Puptrap's avatar for the longest time. (But then he changed it, which oof) So basically the pumpkin is supposed to be a representation of @Puptrap 「BACKSTORY」 So the original project was sort of a collab, it had all my friends (sorry if your not in it, either i didn't consider you a good enough friend or just didn't know you back then) and it was meant to promote Corona Virus awareness. The end of the project was meant to have links to websites where you could get information about Corona Virus but I scrapped the project and I had to remove any info relating to Corona Virus because people already know about it. 「TAGS」 #goku, #savelives,
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