Getting Over It v2.14 Mario Version
Game Introduction
Credit to griffpatch for original and nintendo for textures and music ( (In this remix I've changed the look to mario) - If you decide to read the Notes and Credits section any further prepare for bad grammar! xD - v1.1 - Fixed impossible part. v1.2 - Made one part easier (because you needed to be almost perfect to win it) v1.3 - Delated small black dot. v1.4 - made world records longer (2 places) v1.5 - fixed bug with world record while playing v1.6 - Made world records fade. v1.7 - Made few small parts in mario style because i forgot to made them in it (i don't saw them). v1.8 - Made terrain smotther on one part. v1.9 - Changed font in logo from normal to mario. v1.10 - added in menu to play my new game too. v1.11 now everyone that will win, will be in cloud data. (If someone won then i will know, no need commenting) v1.12 - Updated leaderboard because now i know how bug with winning was working, and that two scratchers that was on leaderboard was lying that they won it. (I found in cloud data someone changed LATEST to 32629 that makes he/she win it). v1.13 - Updated leaderboard. v1.14 - Fixed v1.11 v1.15 - Updated leaderboard. v1.15.1 - Again updated leaderboard. v1.15.2 - Again. v1.15.3 - AGAIN (maybe i should make something that will do it automatically?) v1.15.4 - Again. v1.15.5 - Again updated leaderboard. v1.15.6 - Again. v1.15.7 - Again. v1.15.8 - Again updated leaderboard. v2.0 - Fixed flying bug. v2.1 - Changed the big size empty SVG costume that was fixing the flying bug to full width and height bitmap costume. v2.2 - Deleted what I added in 1.10. v2.3 - Changed a few pixels in mario's arms. v2.4 - Time saved into cloud when you win is now more accurate. v2.5 - Added mute music button in the menu and deleted griffpatch's youtube channel advertisement because menu didn't look good with both it and the new button. v2.5.1 - Updated the leaderboard. v2.6 - Added resetting, fixed visual bug in menu caused by last version, lava now doesnt have empty space under it and the transperent pile of blocks now dissapear when its on the edge of your screen. Also as this is a big update especially because of resetting(i had to change a lot of code to add it) report any bugs if you find them, thanks. v2.6.1 - Updated the leaderboard again. v2.6.2 - Again, updated the leaderboard. v2.6.3 - Again. v2.7 - Changed "(its remix)" to "(it's a remix)" on the thumbnail. v2.8 - Removed "Flying Bug Fixed" from the thumbnail because I've fixed it in 2.0 and it's 2.8 now. v2.9 - Fixed a visual bug related to the sound effects button. v2.10 - Removed a singe floating pixel that you could stand on. v2.11 - Added a text saying the current version of the project to the thumbnail because the 0 in v2.10 got removed by the project name length limit in some places making it look like v2.1. v2.11.1 - Made the version colours look better. v2.12 - Updated the leaderboard... 3 months late, sorry for that. And turned the colour of the text that says "World Records" into a gradient. v2.13 - Fixed a bug causing the music not to play while turned on automatically after the green flag gets pressed if it was turned off earlier, and changed the jump sound to the Super Mario World jump sound. v2.14 - Added a better background to the bottom part of the map. Deleted the half-invisible pile of blocks that was there in the background at the start of the game. Updated the thumbnail to show the new background. 21:39 its my most viewed most loved most faved and most commented project. thx 02.05 - Its top loved thx 01.05.2020 - on trending. 03.05 - on trending 03.05 - 1000 hearts 04.05 - 1000 faves and on trending 17.05 - top remixed, wew..... 22.05 - last day of top remixed. 20.05 - 100k views! 13.07 - on Popular. 21.09 - 4000 loves 11.01.2021 - 404 remixes 20.01.2021 - 4000 favourites. 18.02.21 - I accidently unshared it I didnt even know that I can unshare an project by just hovering my mouse cursor to unshare button in my projects menu... 06.03.21 - 5000 loves 01.04.21 9:05pm CET - Exactly 200000 views! 19.10.21 - 5000 favourites. 27.11.21 - 500 remixes. 30.11.21 - 300000 views! + 10.12.21 - over 310000, this game is getting about 1000 views daily(I check the view count everyday) 22.01.22 1:49pm CET - exactly 333333 views :D 12.03.22 - 400000 views 16.06.2022 - Half a million views! :D 20.01.2023 - 700000 views =) 20.04.2023 - It's over 9000 loves! 02.05.2023 - 800000 views! 24.09.2023 - 900000 views! 15.11.2023 - 10000 loves! 30.01.2024 - 1000000 views... 1.02.2024 - 1000 remixes!
How To Play
This is a mario version of getting over it by griffpatch. I only changed the textures, added a few new features, changed the jump sound and fixed the flying bug. Walkthrough: Original upload date: 29 april 2020. If you are a speedrunner you can press q and r at once to reset.
Game Information
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