☁️ Getting Over It Multiplayer Edition 4.2
Game Introduction
THE 4.0 UPDATE HAS RELEASED!! It has a bunch of things like hats, a multiplayer hangout, being able to hear others' sounds, and a lot more! The complete changelog can be found towards the bottom of the Notes and Credits. This is a multiplayer version of Griffpatch's Scratch recreation of Getting Over It! Up to eight players can play with each other at once. Credits and more information about the project such as changelogs and rules can be found ingame - press "Project Information" on the main menu! INSTRUCTIONS: Best played with your web browser in full screen mode (F11) to remove the title-bar - this interferes with the mouse controls when things get frantic - you'll thank me later I promise! (Q+R to reset level) Use your mouse to control Scratch Cat's hammer. Push, Drag and Throw yourself up the level in your quest to "Get Over It". CONTROLS: Mouse - Move hammer H - Change Hat T - Chat G - Toggle if player can get pushed V - Change name display mode Space (when pressing New Game) - Start in Spectator Mode IF THE GAME ISN'T LETTING YOU JOIN: 1) The game could be full - (only 8 people can play at once) - the second server's here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/405458704 2) Scratch's servers might not be working at the moment - (there has been a lot more traffic on Scratch recently) 3) You have the New Scratcher status (you need to be a Scratcher in order to use Cloud Data or play multiplayer games) The 4.2 Update Changelog can be found by pressing the Project Information button. (i finally updated it after 2 years lol) 4.0 UPDATE CHANGELOG: - Added the MULTIPLAYER HANGOUT! Hang out with your friends and just chill out there! - Added HATS! Use the [H] button to cycle through the hats that you can wear. - You can now listen to other players' SOUNDS! Sounds are directional so you can hear if they're coming from the left or the right! - Added ability to push other players (using the [G] key will disable this for you) - TurboWarp is now officially supported! A Scratch account is not needed to play on it however names are randomly generated. - Forkphorus is not officially supported as there are still many bugs but you are still able to join if you want. - You can now change what other people's names look like by cycling through the options with the [V] key. - The color of players are now affected by the time of day so the 1st player isn't always the same color! - Updated the title screen to make it look cooler! - [BUG FIX] Pressing [T] to open the chat should now automatically select the text input (Project originally shared on May 17, 2020)
How To Play
Game Information
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