Game Introduction
THIS IS NOT A COPY!! ITS A FREE TO USE VINE TEMPULATE SO STOP SAYING ITS A COPY!!!! Im sadden of this Mass reported 6/15 CHECK THIS OUT ALSO!!:: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/405163093/ Welcome to a Animation I made in a while of time(a day) This is somewhat my best and my worst at the sameTime As u know i took a 2 week break from scratch, and now im back :D Click flag twice (This is filler) @Eloctrasyd For some insperation Thomas Sanders For Vine Lazytown Math Google Images @-Boymcboy- (why do people think this is a copy) lol Mabye Hit the love and fav button and i'll make more Released 6/13 at 9:45am EST Or get this top loved and i'll do something special :3 HAPPY BDAY @Frostwings !!!! SHOUTOUT: @SmolAnimates (This is filler lol) The green guy is the same guy from Cake! and Basically Coughing nowdays, i named him Greeny #GetEtalionTo2k!! TAGS: This is NOT a copy of @-Boymcboy-
How To Play
Game Information
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2.0k favorites