Heat Waves {Original Meme}
Game Introduction
***I encourage remixes! Please just give credit!*** Oh my, now featuring a character I don't think I've drawn on here before! This is Fabeous and he's a very pastel boy. smooch He exists in the dreams of others, knows the answer to every question, including the key to inner peace. The peace it took for this spirit to get to this stage of harmony within himself is filled with misdeeds, which is why you see him being emotional in the meme at all. But he lives a life of peace with himself and the world, merely popping in and out to give prophecies and help guide the animals and tortured souls who he was once like. The fortune teller idolized in stories by the populations of animals and communities he visits. also i really don't draw him much because oh my GOD his design is complex even if I love the final product. All those colors, those patterns, and the fact that his mane is actually made of small crystal shards, but since this is scratch, I really can't even muster the energy to draw them all, so I just merge them to showcase the basic shape of his mane. Coding - @Red_of_life Art - @Red_of_life Program used - Scratch Song - Heat Waves by Glass Animals That song was literally written for and about quarantine and could not have been more fitting. for some reason coding the background changing colors was like- hurting my brain a lot. it wasnt the hardest part i just couldnt have a jimmy neutron brain blast at that exact moment and i got stuck also note to self someone please remind me never to stay up for animations again it is 4 am as im writing this and i have not slept for 20 hours also another note to my even later self that I need to do the B.U.D meme but only i'll know what that means hahahaha
How To Play
Flag a couple of times before watching then enjoy yEAH i kNOW It's just tWEENING But I actually haven't done a more simple and soft animation meme in forever. most my stuff is slightly edgy but this is just nice for the most part I feel like quarantine took everything out of all of us and I haven't posted a good thing since it started because I've lost so much, so fast, it makes my head spin and continuously makes me sad. I miss so many of my friends I miss you guys so much I miss everyone I miss family members who are now gone forever I miss being able to hug someone I miss being able to see anyone I miss feeling safe
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