//SATURN// A Mobile Platformer

Game Introduction

================TUTORIALS=================== Thank you to @corpcooga for the tutorial! It was really helpful, even though I modified the engine and added a lot! =================ARTWORK=================== I actually drew everything myself! I got the player's design inspiration from @dn_scrtch, who was a huge inspo for the game! ================STORYLINE===================All me! I love to write stories, and this was just a plot that came to my mind. It wasn't that good though, haha! ==================MUSIC===================== @-Xaf- ===============OTHER CODES================= All me!!!! ============================================= Thank you so much to everyone who loves and faves this!!!!!! You're all amazing <3 ============================================= Please drop a follow!!!! I'm trying to get to 1,000 (and I'm not even close but) your follow would help a lot! Comment "Done!" if you followed, and I'll respond <3 Thanks!

How To Play

NEW AND MUCH BETTER MULTIPLAYER GAME: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/414678508/ ===============DISCLAIMER=================== Please don't attack me for making this a "generic platformer". I made this project for myself, not for fame. I was just messing around with some art and stuff. And if for whatever reason it gets pOpUlaR, don't hate on me for it. Also I know that you can't walk on Saturn, please stop being mean to me about it! This is just for entertainment purposes only, and I love space and like to learn about it. Also, advertising is not allowed and all advertisements will be reported. Now, onto the normal instructions! ==============INSTRUCTIONS================= You are an astronaut who has lost his/her/their way on the planet Saturn. The rocket that is supposed to take you home is about to leave without you, and you have to get back in time! Will you make it? You are timed, and only have 60 seconds! Use the arrow keys, WASD, or mobile controls to move! ============================================= Please don't forget to love, fave, and follow! Even though a lot of you will hate this game because there's nothing that special about it, I'm really proud! So show your support and drop a love :) Have a lovely day! Love, TropicalCoder13 =============================================




Game Information

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1.6k favorites