OC tutorial !
Game Introduction
Credits: @savage_harv8 for making this tutorial cooltext.com google images for that guy ಠ_ಠ The song is: Bob acri - Sleep away SUB TO MY YT ITS savage_harv I upload content there too ty Tags: #tutorials
How To Play
Sub to savage_harv on yt Announcement : I made a girls version (not a tutorial) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/420699312/ edit: 27/08/20 WE GOT FEAUTURED!!!! OMG :00000 Famous: @ceebee loved and faved OMG @JS_Coder loved @potatobear616 loved :0000 @Capt_Boanerges loved *DISCLAIMER* This is my first tutorial so It won't be amazing (you can still compliment me) did this because recently everyone is changing their OC's . I think Its because their not happy with their current OC's so I am giving suggestions. Personal rating 8/10 propose it to be featured: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4228481/comments/ Remember if you use a OC based on this one credit me ! report advertisers! Press space or tap screen to change costume! also on tutorials thats cool
Game Information
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3.0k favorites