PURPLE || A Platformer (Mobile Friendly)

Game Introduction

NEW PROJECT: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/467975588/ -Thanks to @corpcooga and @sammax123 for the spikes, the background,character, the 'skip' option. -@JTHEJET for the purple button that comes out from above -intro by @INorth -1.7K likes, 1.4K faves and 23K seen! -Did the celebrities like my project : @Capt_Boanerges loved @SuperCookii loved and faved @Game-Cloud loved @Hockeycat88 loved and faved @cheekyscuola loved @giftedcn loved ... -My studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26474916/ #All

How To Play

✨This project is a mobile-friendly platform game. These computers are played with right arrow-left arrow-down and up arrow, w-a-s-d keys. This game consists of 14 chapters and if you have difficulty in some levels, you can click the 'skip' option in the lower right corner. So you will go to the next level. The aim of the game is to complete the chapters without touching the spikes. There is also a trampoline to jump higher. When this project gets 300 likes, a different platform game will be released from this platform game. If you want to see that project, help it get 300 likes ;) **Edit: wow it's already past 2000 :D




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

2.0k favorites